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Showing posts from July, 2020

Braised Pork Belly with Steam Bun 扣肉包

8 pieces Ingredients 用料 500g Pork Belly 花腩 3 Star Anise 八角 1 Cinnamon 肉桂 2 tablespoons Oil 油 1 Onion (diced) 洋葱 8 slices Ginger 姜片 10 cloves Garlic 蒜 1 tablespoon Rock Sugar 冰糖 4 tablespoons Dark Soy Sauce 黑酱油 1 tablespoon Light Soy Sauce 酱清 1 tablespoon Sesame Oil 麻油 1 1/2 cup Water 水 8  Steam Buns (Ready Made) 馒头 Method 做法 1. Boil pork belly in hot water for 2 minutes, drain. This will get rid of the pork smell. 2. In a heated wok, add 2 tablespoons of cooking oil. Fry onion until light brown. Add ginger and garlic. Fry till light brown. Add star anise and cinnamon to fry. 3. Add pork belly to fry until slightly brown. 4. Transfer all ingredients to the ricecooker. Set it to rice-cooking mode, extend the time to 1 hour 50 minutes. Start. Turn the pork belly at about 1 hour mark. 5. Place the buns over steamer for 3 minutes. 6. Slice the steam bun into half (with the ends in tact). Place pork belly into the bun. You may like to add some lettuce or cucumber.

Stir Fried Clams with Luffa 蛤蜊炒丝瓜

4人份 Ingredients 用料 500g Clams 蛤蜊 1 Luffa 丝瓜 10 slices Ginger 姜片或姜丝 2 tablespoons  Seafood Soya Sauce 海鲜酱油 1 tablespoon Sesame Oil 麻油 1 tablespoon Chinese Hua Diao Wine 花雕酒 A dash Pepper 胡椒粉 1/3 cup Water 水 Method 做法 1. Soak clams in salt water (1 teaspoon of salt) for 10 minutes. Drain, set aside 2. De-skin luffa, cut into bitesize cubes. 3. Heat oil in wok. Fry ginger until fragrant. Add luffa and clams, stir fry. When the luffa starts to turn soft, add water, bring to boil. Add soya sauce, sesame oil, Chinese Hua Diao wine and pepper. Stir fry well. Serve.

Squid stuffed with Rice (Ricecooker) 鱿鱼酿饭

3人份 Ingredients 用料 6 pieces Medium Squids 鱿鱼 3 stalks Cai Xin (or leafy vegetables) 菜心 1 tablespoon Canned Pork 罐头肉丁 1 1/2 cups Japanese or Short-Grain Rice 日本或珍珠米 2 cups Chicken Stock 上汤/鸡汤 Method 做法 1. Wash and drain the vegetables. Chop into fine pieces 2. Chop the canned pork into fine pieces. (You may replace this with bacon or ham). 3. Wash the rice, and drain off the water. Mix rice with vegetables and pork. 4. Clean squids by keeping only the body ring portion. Wash thoroughly. 5. Stuff squids with rice mixture. Using a toothpick, stitch the end of the squid to prevent the rice from overflowing. 6. Place squids into ricecooker. Pour chicken stock into ricecooker. Set the ricecooker to cook (rice mode). Serve.

Egg Mayonnaise Croissant (or Wrap) with Salad

1人份 Ingredients for Fruit Salad 萨拉用料 1 pack  Mix Vegetables Salad 蔬菜萨拉 5 Cherry Tomatoes 小番茄  1 Apple 苹果 1 tablespoon Blueberry 蓝莓 1 tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar 萨拉黑醋 1 tablespoon Japanese Yuzu Salad Sauce 柚子萨拉酱 1人份 Ingredients 用料 3  Mini Croissants Bread or Wrap 迷你羊角面包  2 Eggs 鸡蛋  A dash Black Pepper 黑胡椒 A pinch Salt 盐 1 tablespoon  Mayonnaise 美乃滋 Method 做法 1. Prepare the hard-boil eggs: Boil a pot of water. Place the eggs in the pot and boil (on medium heat) for 10 minutes. De-shell the eggs. Mash the hard-boil eggs in a bowl. Add mayonnaise, salt and black pepper. Mix well, and set aside. 2. Prepare the salad: Wash the vegetables, tomato and blueberry. De-core the apple, and cut into small cubes. Place on all on serving plate. Add balsamic vinegar and yuzu salad sauce over salad. 3. Toast croissants for 4 minutes. Insert egg mayonnaise into croissant. Place on serving plate. Serve.

Cheese Tart 起司挞

2 pieces Ingredients 用料 1.5 pieces Frozen Uncooked Prata Dough印度煎饼皮  50g Cream Cheese 奶油乳酪 10g Unsalted Butter 牛油 50g Cream Cheese 奶油乳酪 40g Plain Yogurt 酸奶 A little Vanilla Essence 香草香精 1/2 teaspoon Fresh Lemon Juice 柠檬汁 1/2  Egg 鸡蛋 10g Sugar 白糖 Method 做法 1. Unfrozen the uncooked prata dough till soft enough to make shape. 2. Glaze the muffin tray with oil. Place the prata dough to line the muffin tray as base pastry. 3. In a bowl, mix the cream cheese, butter, yogurt, vanilla essence, lemon juice and egg well. Pour into pastry tray. 4. Preheat oven at 220 degrees Celsius. Bake the cheese tarts for 8 minutes. Serve.

Seafood Roll or Wrap 海鲜面包卷

3人份 Ingredients 6 pieces  Crab Stick 蟹条 8 pieces Prawns (deshelled)  虾 1/2 Japanese Cucumber 小黄瓜 1 tablespoon Japanese Mayonnaise 美乃滋 A pinch Salt 盐 A dash Pepper 胡椒粉 3 Hotdog Rolls or Wrap 热狗面包  Some Butter (spread) 牛油 Method 做法 1. Steam crabsticks and prawns over high heat for 10 minutes. Cut them into small pieces, set aside. 2. Chop Japanese Cucumber into small pieces. Place into crabsticks and prawns bowl, mix well. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper. Mix well. Optional: You may add chopped onions. 3. Cut the hotdog bun through the centre, leaving the bottom uncut. Spread butter in the middle. Toast the bun for a minute. 4. Place the seafood mixture onto the toasted bun. Serve.